This page is to acquaint you with Belarusan Rock.
Unfortunately, many Belarusans, even nationally conscious Belarusans, do not know much about Belarusan Rock. The music market, CDs and cassettes are absolutely dominated by former Soviet rock in Russian language. Yet I venture to say that over the past ten years or so Belarus has developed her own traditions of rock in Belarusan language, which is expressive and diverse enough to embrace all traditions of modern rock. Both the trailblazers for that process - the bands "Mroja", "Ulis", "Bonda", and today's stars "Krama" and "Novaje neba" are in every way equal to the bands of the Leningrad (St. Petersburg) and Sverdlovsk (Yekaterinburg) rock clubs, which are famous all over the former Soviet Union.
Unfortunately the current situation in Belarus' and the policy
pursued by its government - which can hardly be called anything else
but fiercely anti-Belarusan - stand in the way of any development of
Belarusan culture. The outlawing of Belarusan schoolbooks, history
books, literature, music - these are all links of the same chain
these are all links in the
same chain. Many of the songs given below are banned from Belarusan state
television and radio by state censorship. Up to the present day, to
the best of my knowledge, not a single CD or video clip of a
Belarusan rock band has been issued! Belarusan rock is almost
completely cut off from its potential listeners.
I think everybody is aware of how powerful words, poems and
particularly songs and good music can be, what a strong impression a
video clip can produce. The campaign in support of Boris Yeltsin
launched by Russian rock bands prior to the latest presidential
elections can be seen as an example for this.
Today it is not even the lyrics - the majority of which are
unpolitical - but simply the Belarusan language of the songs that
are the main instrument working for a renaissance of the Belarusan
culture and nation. This explains the hostility of the current
regime. The government understands that, if Belarusan songs become
accessible to a larger public - even if it's just via a few video
clips - this might induce many to put up resistance.
Of course it is not yet possible to present Belarusan songs "live"
on the Internet. But I hope that the following overview - which
is not exhaustive - will be a first step.
Addicted to Rock 'n' Roll | Hey, fill the glasses | The warden |
Black City's Children | Dreaming in the tram | Go Home |
Over the roofs |
©VG 1996-97 |