Old scouts of Luxembourg belonging to the 2 scout federations in Luxembourg, 1) the LGS-Letzeburger Guiden a Scouten and 2) the FNEL-Fédération Nationale des Scouts et Guides Luxembourgeoise, has found together 10 years ago and founded an association called: ESF-Eclaireurs sans Frontières, sponsored by the local scout group of Strassen/Luxembourg- the Kiewerlecken a.s.b.l. to help the Regional Hospital in Dziatlava / Hrodna Region with all sorts of medicines, medicaments, vitamins, clinical furniture (clinical beds, apparatus etc.). We have financed a girl's cancer operation in Munich 3 years ago, as well as a dental chirurgical intervention this year on a cerebral-spastical handicapped boy of 17 years. We organize yearly 2 humanitarian convoys to that Regional Hospital of Dziatlava, with at least yearly 1 to of medicaments we get from the organization of Pharmaciens sans Frontières, recycled before delivering the good medicaments to Belarus. We help on the spot poor people needing money for survival, especially poor women with little children. Many of the medicines we bring to that hospital are needed by Chernobyl-damaged people. For our many sponsors we edit annually a report of our work in Belarus. This humanitarian work is done almost entirely by old scouts
Contact address: ECLAIREURS ET ECLAIREUSES SANS FRONTIERES, c/o KIEWERLECKEN a.s.b.l, p.a. Alfred GUILLON, 48, rue de Strassen, L-8094 BERTRANGE / Luxembourg;
Telephone: 00352 31
98 02:
Fax: 00352 318 311