In 1499 Grand Duke Alexander Jahajlavicz granted to the city of Minsk a specially favoured autonomous status known as the Magdeburg privelege, manifestly to stimulate trade. This weak and vaccilating monarch in an attempt to pacify his increasingly aggressive Eastern neighbor, the self-proclaimed Tzar Ivan III of Moscow, sought the hand of his daughter, the Grand Dutchess Helen, whose mother was Sophia Paleogos, a relative of the last Byzantine Emperor. Alexander unwisely signed a marriage contract fraught with opportunities for Muscovite interference in Lithuanian religious affairs and the matters of state. Urged on by her Muscovite chaplains, Helen pressed the candidature of her confessor Jonas, Archimandrite of the Ascension monastery in Minsk, to be appointed Metropolitan of Kiev in 1502. This simple but inflexible man was to be the first Lithuanian Metropolitan since 1439 unwilling to support the Florentine Union, entered in between the Latin and Greek churches in the face of Muslim Turkish threat. The highly critical historian Vakar observed that, until the appointment of Jonas, the Catholics and Orthodox, maintained quite friendly relations in Belarus: "The Orthodox clergy in the Grand Duchy took a sympathetic attitude towards the Union of Florence (1439), and would not have rejected it, save for the direct pressure from Moscow". Therein lay the root of the religious discord in the country over the next five centuries.
Grand Duke Zhyhimunt II
visit to Minsk in 1502 the Grand Duke Alexander and the Grand Duchess Helen did little to
avert a succession of disasters. The Eastern principalities of the Grand Duchy were
progressively lost to Moscow. Minsk was besieged by the Muscovites, relieved by Prince
Hlinski and again sacked, (with the exception of the castle) by the Crimean Tatar Khan,
Machmet-Girej(1506). The key Eastern fortress of Smalensk was taken by Tsar Basil
III(1513), scarcely before the Grand Duchess of Lithuania, his sister, was cold in her
coffin. Fortunately, by his victory over the Russians at Orsza in 1514, the Hetman of the
Grand Duchy, Prince Constantine Astrozhski, saved the city from further immediate
misfortune. Prior to the battle, the Grand Duke Zhyhimunt II(Pol. I) and the whole
court came from Vilnia to Minsk to direct the campaign, in which the Namiesnik(Sheriff)
of the city, Prince Bahdan Zaslauski, also took part. However, whilst Zhyhimut was away
fighting the Teutonic knights in Prussia, the Muscovite in 1519 once again returned to
ravage Lahojsk, Minsk, Hajna, Radaszkaviczy, Barysau', and other towns, despite the stout
resistance put up by Mikalaj Radzivil, Albrecht Hasztold and the then sheriff of Minsk,
Mikalaj Zaslauski. Both Hasztold and Radzivil attended the Vienna congress in 1515 to set
up a coalition against the Turks, and banner were depicted by Skaryna in his allegorical
engraving of the March of the Twelve Tribes(1519) as examples of "worthy
princes and commanders to protect us from the hand of the heathen". Evidence of the
impoverishment of the city is to be found in the military levies for 1529 fixing at 1500 kop
hroszau the contribution from Vilnia, 300 from Kouna, Mahiliou: 200, Biarescie: 150,
whilst Minsk was only required to underwrite 50 kop.
A Reformist church in Zaslaue
sorry decline of the traditional Greek- and Latin-rite churches in Belarus, both of which
had become corrupt and refused to adopt the Belarusian vernacular, coupled with the
failure of attempts to renew the Florentine Union, to consolidate the national church in
the face of Muscovite intrigues and the continuing Turkish threat, led many of the most
eminent noblemen and soldiers of the age -- Radzivil, Sapieha, Kiszka, Chadkevicz, Pacz,
and others as well as some of the ablest writers and thinkers of the day, such as Vasil
Ciapinski(1530 - 1603), Symon Budny(1530 - 1593) and the engaging diarist Todar
Eulaszeuski(1546 - 1616) -- to embrace the Calvinistic reformed faith. For the less
reputable, it was a convenient means of revoking church endowments secured by their
forbears on family estates, the churches now being divided. Some of the finest Belarusian
church architecture of the period in the Byzantino-Gothic style is to be found at the
evangelical churches at Zaslaue(1590), Dzieraunaja(1590), Novy Sverzhan'(c. 1550), all
near Minsk, and Smarhoni(1554) amongst many others. The development of a peculiarly
art-form in music -- the kantyczka or hymn, was also largely a product of the
Reformation. It was the exodus of the nobles and burghers to Calvinizm, rather than any
schemings of the Jesuits (who in any case were not then established in Minsk), which
resulted in the dereliction of the 13 Greek-rite churches, which according to the local
historian Spileuski(1853) had flourished in Minsk at the close of the Middle Ages,
including the ancient monastery of the Ascension. Moreover, in 1547 the city was once
again devastated by fire, which destroyed the castle and the number of churches in the
Lower Town. As a result, in the latter part of the 16th century the Upper town was laid
out with broader streets and greater recourse to brickwork in the reconstruction of the
city. There were no stone or brick ramparts, the rivers Svislocz and Niamiha served as
moats to the east and north, whilst to the south and west the main defence was made up of
semi-circular earth-works. In the light of the growing threat from the East, the stockade
and redoubt in Trinity suburb were strengthened. The defence of the inhabitants of Minsk,
however, depended on the superior fire-power of their artillery, the dense forests to the
East, and the embargo by the Catholic European powers on the sale of fire-arms to the
troublesome Muscovites.