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Valozyn is a centre of the Valozyn district, Miensk region, about 75 km nort-west of Miensk, 17 km of station Valozyn on the railway line Maladecna-Lida.
Population: 11,500 (1995)

the palace

The Valozyn Palace of 1806. Monument of Classicism-style architecture.

The Jusaf church

The St. Jusaf catolic church of 1816 (founded 1681). Monument of Classicism-style architecture.

Other information related to Valozhyn on the Web: - a nice un-official city portal by Alex Sizov

Valozhyn by Eilat Gordin Levitan. Historical shots of Jewish schtettle life.

Famous Valozhin Yeshiva - first Jewish university and its teachers.

Students of Valozhin Yeshiva and more Jewish history of Valozhin from



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