English-Belarusian Dictionary
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Verbs 1st Conjuction
Verbs 2nd Conjuction
Conjuction of be give & eat
Perfective Verbs
Adjective Declention
Masculin Nouns
Femininum Nouns
Neutrum Nouns
Cyrilic vs. Latin Blr Orthography

Femininum (Noun declention)

a. Nouns ending with "a"
e.g. ha³ava (head), ziamla (earth), ruka (hand), malitva (prayer)

(remember: for femininum nouns: 1st case = 7th case)
(warning: in noun ziamla, unstressed "e" in plural form changes into unstressed "a" in singularum problem of transformation o "e" into "a" is more complex (unlike "o" -> "a") and will be described later) 
Case singularum pluralum
1. ha³aw-a ziaml-a malitv-a ha³ov-y zieml-i malitv-y
2. ha³av-y ziaml-i malitv-y ha³ow / ha³ov-aw ziamiel / zieml-aw malitv-aw
3. ha³av-ie ziaml-e malitv-ie ha³ov-am zieml-am malitv-am
4. ha³av-u ziaml-u malitv-u = 1. = 1. = 1.
5. ha³av-oj ziaml-oj malitv-oj ha³ov-ami zieml-ami malitv-ami
6. ha³av-ie ziaml-e malitv-ie ha³ov-ach zieml-ach malitv-ach

b. Nouns ending with a consonant
e.g. ko¶æ (bone), my¹ (mouse), reè (thing), krow (blood) 

Case singularum pluralum
1. 4. 7. ko¶æ reè my¹ ko¶c-i reè-y my¹-y
2. ka¶c-i reè-y my¹-y ka¶ci-ej reè-aw my¹-ej
3. ka¶c-i reè-y my¹-y ka¶ci-om reè-am my¹-om
5. ka¶ci-oj(u) /
reè-aj(u) /
my¹-aj(u) /
ka¶ci-ami reè-mi my¹-ami
6. ka¶c-i reè-y my¹-y ka¶ci-och reè-ach my¹-och

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