Mir Castle
The World Heritage Committee of UNESCO has inscribed Mir Castle on World Heritage List on the basis of criteria (ii) and (iv).
Criterion (ii): Mir Castle is an exceptional example of a central European castle, reflecting in its design and layout successive cultural influences (Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque) that blend harmoniously to create an impressive monument to the history of this region.
Criterion (iv): The region in which Mir Castle stands has a long history of political and cultural confrontation and coalescence, which is graphically reflected in the form and appearance of the ensemble.
Mir Castle Festival June 2003
My movies from festival (click on image to download. Warning ~10Mb long!)
tournament inside the Mir castle walls
One of the
largest in Europe assault Cross Bows in action
Pranool'" medieval dance
gave me to drink out of this 500 y.o. Duke's Water Well inside the castle. The water was
sweet and tasty.
Music by Antoni Radzivil - one of the former owners of the Mir castle.
My photos from the festival (click on photos to enlarge):
"Castles of Belarus" - set of postcards. Concept and photos by S. Plytkevich, text - V. Hryniavecki, Minsk, Printing House "Printing Poligraphic Center", project by Marketing Agency "Riftour"
"Mirski Zamak (Mir Castle)" - set of postcards, photo by A. Fralou, Editor T. Ulievich, Printing house "Belarus" 1998.
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