Niasvizh Castle and Palace


The Slucak Gate

This picture was drawn by U.Basalyga
The Slucak Gate (Slutskaja Brama) is an original architectural monument erected at the end
of the 16th century. It was a gate through which the town could be entered from the side
of the Slucak (Slutsk) high road (see also Slucak)
and was incorporated in the fortification system. Its composition was of a fortress
nature. In 1760 the gate was rebuilt and acquired typical Baroque features. Now it is
compactly situated with a passage arch in the centre and has strong brick walls. The gate
facade with its curved pediments and Radzivilles' monogram is extraordinarily plastic and
The Castle Gate Tower
This picture was drawn by U.Basalyga
The Castle Gate Tower was built in the late 16 th century and has preserved its original
pre-Baroque architecture. Before the 18 th century the Castle Gate, a kind of a gate
linking the town and the palace and castle complex, was added the tower. Red bricks in the
walls and a tiled roof in combination with the contrastingly white cornices and embrasure
framing make the tower picturesque.
- "Castles of Belarus" - set of postcards. Concept and photos
by S. Plytkevich, text - V. Hryniavecki, Minsk, Printing House "Printing Poligraphic
Center", project by Marketing Agency "Riftour"
- Radzivils'
Armory Treasures in Russian Museums - our own page by Vital Biadrycki
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