Kastus' Kalinouski
(February 2,
1838 - March 22, 1864)
A publisher of the clandestine newspaper "Peasant's
Truth" and leader of the 1863-64 uprising in Belarus. The
conditions of life for Belarusians, Lithuanians and Poles in Russian Empire becomes
so bad
after 70 years of occupation that during 1861 in Belarus alone, 379 peasant protests were
recorded; of these, 125 were quelled by police and military force. The atmosphere was
ripe for an uprising. In Belarus, preparations for this outcome commenced in July
1862, when the first issue of the clandestine newspaper Muzhyckaja Prauda (Peasants' truth)
appeared. Behind the publication stood a group of young radicals, of whom Kastus
Kalinouski (1838-1864) was the most prominent. Principal contributor to the
publication (seven issues of which were printed), Kalinouski became the leader of the
uprising in Belarus when it broke out two months after the Polish insurrection began in
January 1863. The uprising lasted until the late summer of 1863. Severe battles were
fought throughout Belarus. But the insurgents were no match for the 120,000-strong
Russian elite troops, with whom nearly 260 encounters were fought. Russians won in
the majority of cases. The uprising of 1863 provoked harsh punishment of its
participants and sympathizers. Russian Governor-General Muraviyov well deserved the
nicknames of "hangman" and "russifier". According to tsarist
official sources for Belarus and Lithuania, 128 people were executed and more than 12,000
exiled to Siberia. An ideological by-product of these events was the birth of
Belarusian nationalism, of which Kastus Kalinouski is considered to be the founding
father. In his prison cell in Vilna, before being hanged on March 22, 1864,
Kalinouski wrote an impassioned plea to his people: I say to you from beneath the gallows, my People, that
only - then will you live happily, when no Muscovite remains over you.
Links to Kastus' Kalinouski:
Kastus' Kalinouski page at ABM
Bielaruski Knihazbor book series: Kastus' Kalinouski "For Our Freedom"
On-Line Library "Knihi": Belarusian Uprising Publications of Kalinouski Times
Muzhyckaia Pravda
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