The Production
Association "Minsk Tractor Works" - MTZ is one of the largest manufacturers of
tractors in the world. MTZ Belarus is an association of 6 cooperating Belarusian plants.
MTZ Belarus has received 32 international quality certificates. More than 3 Millions of
MTZ Belarus tractors successfully operate in over 100 countries around the world all year
round in various climate and soil conditions.
Visit the Official Website of MTZ Belarus
Currently MTZ manufactures:
24 different models of ploughing tractors ranging from 50 to 130 h.p.
o 6 models
of small tractors with engine power from 20 to 35 h.p.
o 8 models of
mini-tractors and moto-blocks with engine power ranging from 6 to 12 h.p.
o 16 models of
loaders, forestry, mine and maintenace machines.
o Spare parts
for the tractors
o Metal
processing equipment and other
How to contact Minsk Tractor
Plant MTZ Belarus?
Address: MTZ Belarus, vul. Dolgobrodskaia 29, Minsk 220009, Belarus
Phone: +(375-17)
230-5001; 230-6908; 230-8427; 230-8428; 230-1268
+(375-17) 230-8548;
MTZ Belarus Tractor
Dealerships Around the World
MTZ Belarus headquarters
in Minsk, Belarus (Eastern Europe). Unofficial page.
- the largest MTZ Belarus tractors dealership in USA. They
do both tractors and parts sales.
Farm Equipment - is a
dealership in Canada that caries a huge on-line
parts list
Valu-Bilt Tractor
Parts, USA. The Largest
Selection of Tractor Parts in the U.S.A.
- Norwegian dealership of MTZ Belarus tractors
Belarus de Colombia, Ltda - Central American dealership of MTZ Belarus tractors.
LMB S.H. Minnema - Belarus
Dealership in Netherlands
GTC W&W Austria
- Belarus tractor dealership in Austria
an authorized network of Belarus dealers in Australia
and New Zealand
Tractor Parts - Australia
Belarus Tractors Limited - authorized
Belarus tractor distributor in UK
Nordisk Lantbruksimport AB - NOLI- Belarus tractor
dealership in Sweden
PIHLGREN AB - Swedish dealership of
MTZ Belarus tractors
- MTZ Belarus tractor dealership in Finland
Ontario, Ltd - MTZ Belarus
tractors dealership in Canada
Agri - MTZ Belarus tractor dealership in Poland
International - Belarus tractor dealership in Pakistan
AGRA Engineering - Aluminum pistons
for MTZ Belarus from India
Börs - Estonian MTZ Belarus
tractor market
Vilkaga -
MTZ tractor dealership in Lithuania
- on-line store of the parts to Belarus tractors from native Belarus
PKP SVKP - MTZ tractors and parts dealership in Belarus
SEVAT - Belarusian
supplier of MTZ tractors and parts
Krasico, Ltd - Belarusian
exporter of MTZ Belarus tractors.
Belarus Tractors Parts and Accessories
- on-line store.
Ministry of
Agriculture of Belarus
Tractors On-Line - a major on-line
farm equipment website
Tractor Users Bulletin Board
Read here the opinions of the owners around the world on Belarus tractors. Here's one from
Kelli Jackson:
"I love my Belarus, it out works any other
tractor that we have used. The Belarus is the way to go if you want a tough tractor that
will be there for you when you need it"
April 98. Barter
exports of MTZ tractors affect their competitiveness
January 97. Belarus
tractors are going to Paris.
History of MTZ Belarus
Minst Tractor Works - MTZ - Belarus was founded 50 years ago. Minsk -
the capital of Belarus - was complitely demolished during WWII. After all the bombings
there was not a single building left undestroyed in Minsk. Representatives of all
nationalities of the USSR were helping Belarusians to rebuild the capital. Many of the
famous Belarusian enterprizes - MAZ, MTZ Belarus - were founded as the result of this
restoration effort. Below are shown some of the first models of the MTZ Belarus tractors.

Some MTZ Belarus Tractors
MTZ-52 Universal Ploughing Tractors
Designation - tractor designed to work on ploughing cultures, ploughing of light
and average soils, pre-sewing soil preparation, sewing and cropping grain cultures, as
well as transportation.
Years of production ............................1962 - 1985
Total number of tractors manufactured.............1, 256, 800 (more than 1 million!)
Engine power..................................................55 kW (40 h.p.)
Weight MTZ-50
(MTZ-50A)...........................................................2720/2950 kg
Number of transmission gears forward/rare.........9/2
Speed range...................................................1.7 to 26.8 km/hour
MTZ-82 Universal Ploughing Tractors
Designation - tractor designed to work on ploughing cultures with the use of
hanging, semi-hanging and trailing machines, as well as transportation and powering
stationary machines.
Years in serial production ............................1974 -
Total number of tractors manufactured.............1, 496, 200 (more than 1 million!)
(more than 1 million!)
Engine power..................................................80 kW (57 h.p.)
Weight...........................................................31`60/3370 kg
Number of transmission gears forward/rare.........22/8
Speed range...................................................0.6 to 33.4 km/hour
MTZ-102 Universal Ploughing Tractors
Designation - agricultural works on growing ploughing cultures - potatoes, beets, sunflowers, corn, vegetables. etc.- with the use of
wide-capture and combined agregates. It is also designed to perform general agricultural
tasks - ploughing, cultivation, sewing; transportation; loading-unloading and other tasks.
Begining of serial production
Engine power..................................................100 kW (73.5 h.p.)
Weight...........................................................3950/3750 kg
Number of transmission gears forward/rare.........24/8 or 16/8
Speed range...................................................1.7 to 34.3 km/hour
Universal Tractor
Designation - tractor designed to work on ploughing cultures with the use of
wide-capture and combined agregates and general agricultural tasks - ploughing,
cultivation, sewing; transportation with trailors of big loading capacity.
Begining of serial production
Engine power..................................................130 kW (95.5 h.p.)
Weight...........................................................5000 kg
Number of transmission gears forward/rare.........16/8
Speed range...................................................2.1 to 32.6 km/hour
MTZ-082 BS 4WD Minil Tractor
Designation - utlity works.
Engine ..............V2 cyl. Briggs & Stratton
Engine power ..................................................14 h.p.
Number of transmission gears forward/rare.........4/3
Speed range...................................................2.85 to 17.75 km/hour
Series 2000: MTZ-2011 2WD, MTZ-2045 4WD Mini Tractors
Designation - utlity works.
Engine ..............V2 cyl. Direct injection
Engine power ..................................................22 h.p.
Series 3000 to 5000: MTZ-3500 4WD, MTZ-4400 4WD, MTZ-5300 4WD Mini Tractors
Designation - utlity and agriculture works.
Engine ..............3 cyl. diesel direct
Engine power MTZ-3500, MTZ-4400, MTZ-5300 .....................................42,
51, 60 h.p.
Series 6000 to 8000: MTZ-6345 4WD, MTZ-7345 4WD, MTZ-8345 4WD, MTZ-8012L
Universal Tractors
Designation - universal agricultural tractors.
Engine ..............4 cyl. diesel direct
Engine power .....................................72, 81, 91 h.p.
Number of transmission gears forward/rare.........18/4
MTZ-8012L Universal Tractor
Designation - universal agricultural tractor.
Engine ..............4 cyl. diesel direct
Engine power .....................................91 h.p.
MTZ-9345 4WD
Universal Tractor
Designation - general ploughing and agricultural works.
Engine ..............4 cyl. diesel Turbo
Engine power .....................................105-120 h.p.
See MTZ-9345 plowing
MTZ-1321 4WD Universal Tractor
Designation - general ploughing and agricultural works.
Engine type ....... 6 cyl Turbo
Engine power .....................................155 h.p.
MTZ-320 4WD Small Tractor
Designation - transportation, utility, small agricultural works.
Engine power
..................................................35 h.p.
Number of transmission gears forward/rare.........16/4
Speed range................................................... 1 to 25 km/hour
MTZ-572 4WD. MTZ-592 4WD Universal Tractor
Designation - tractor designed to work on ploughing cultures and general
agricultural tasks - ploughing, cultivation, sewing; transportation with trailors.
Engine power....................................70 h.p
Weight...........................................................5000 kg
Number of transmission gears forward/rare.........9/2 (9/8)
Speed range...................................................2.1 to 30 km/hour
MTZ-820 4WD Universal Tractor
Designation - tractor designed for general agricultural tasks and transportation.
Engine power
..................................................86 h.p.
Number of transmission gears forward/rare.........17/4
MTZ-900 2WD, MTZ-9204WD Universal Tractor
Designation - tractor designed to work on ploughing cultures with the use of
wide-capture and combined agregates and general agricultural tasks - ploughing,
cultivation, sewing; transportation with trailors.
Engine power
..................................................86 h.p.
Number of transmission gears forward/rare.........13/4
MTZ-952 T Universal Tractor
Designation - tractor designed to work on ploughing cultures and general
agricultural tasks - ploughing, cultivation, sewing; transportation with trailors.
Engine power
..................................................100 h.p.
MTZ-1020 Universal Tractor
Designation - tractor designed to work on ploughing cultures with the use of
wide-capture and combined agregates and general agricultural tasks - ploughing,
cultivation, sewing; transportation with trailors of big loading capacity.
Engine ............................4cyl Turbo
Engine power...............................................110 h.p.
Number of transmission gears forward/rare.........16/8
Speed range...................................................2.1 to 32.6 km/hour
MTZ-1025 Universal Tractor
Designation - tractor designed to work on ploughing cultures and general
agricultural tasks - ploughing, cultivation, sewing; transportation with trailors.
Engine type .......................D245
Engine power ..................................................120 h.p..
Number of transmission gears forward/rare.........24/8
Speed range...................................................2.3 to 376 km/hour
MTZ-1522 Universal Tractor
Designation - tractor designed to work on ploughing cultures with the use of
wide-capture and combined agregates and general agricultural tasks - ploughing,
cultivation, sewing; transportation with trailors of big loading capacity.
Engine type ................6 cyl Turbo
Engine power ..................................................155 kW
Future concept MTZ-822 Universal Tractor