Belarusian Media
TV - Radio - Internet
Just as Belarusian
culture in its entirety, Belarusian independent media is now being methodically obliterated and
brought to the service of Fürer of The Slavs - Lukashenka. Independent TV programs are
non-existent in Belarusian state-run TV. The freedom of opinions in Russian TV is dealt by
Lukashenka regime via routine blockage of Russian TV programming transmissions and
replacing them with politically neutral ballet scenes. Independent newspapers are being
closed one by one after Lukashenka prosecutors file defamation law suits. The newspapers
don't stand a chance to defend themselves against Lukashenka regime. Most of the
independent radio has been curtailed too. The regime has already once "switched
off" Internet in entire country of Belarus during last presidential elections. At
this stage the regime's minister of information is talking about bringing the selective
Internet filters that will be blocking out all sites conflicting with regime's ideology.
So there it is - Belarusian Media status for today - the year of 2003.
And to complete the picture there will be monthly political information briefings at all state-run enterprises in Belarus starting this fall. And all Belarusian students will be obliged to take a course on Belarusian National Ideology starting September 1, 2003.
2004 and 2005 only worsened the situation with press. Many newspapers were closed or exiled. People are arrested and jailed even for simple flyers that don't name any names! National TV absolutely turned into a propaganda mouth piece of Lukashenka Regime. Attempts of independent reporting of opposition demonstrations in the Fall of 2004 by Russian and Polish TV crews ended up in beatings, smashed TV cameras and arrests. Even satellite feed of videonews from Minsk was blocked. And so:
o 1st Belarusian TV channel video news
o Belaruskae Telebachanne - National State Television,
government operated.
Address: Makaenka 9, Minsk 220807
Tel: (375)(172) 64-9286 Fax: (375)(172) 25-2267
o Belarus Television Information
o TBN - Television Broadcasting Network
Address: 15-a F.Skariny St., Minsk 220072
Tel: (375)(172) 68-4086 Fax: (375)(172) 68-4536 Email:
o Belarus Film - main belarusian
feature movie studio. Only address:
98 Skaryna Prospect, Minsk 220023, Belarus.
Department of musical programs of Belarus Film: Ph: (0172)-338820
o Ob'edinenie Telefilm. I believe it's our documentary
TV studio:
Chief Editor - Pavlov Nikolai Georgievich: (0172)-639098
Art director - (0172)-639719.
o 1st State Belarusian Radio Channel Live on-line
o BR1 and BR2 - Belaruskye Radio 1 and 2.
National State Radio, government operated.
Address: vul..Makajonka 9, 220807 Miensk
Tel: (375)(172) 33-3922
o One more on-line station from Belarus - Radio Alpha (commercial station)
o Radio "Roks"
- Belarusian commercial station from Minsk. Listen to it in RealAudio. Looks like it stopped live transmission
o Radio
"Polonia" - Belarusian Radio from Warsaw.
o Radio
"Minsk" in German (by R. Castner). Also
o Radio
"Minsk" - official site of The Foreign Radio Service of the
Republic of Belarus.
o Radio "Svaboda"
- Belarus service of RFE/RL. Listen to it in RealAudio.
o Nasa Niva
(Bel. Eng.)- one of the main cultural magazines from Belarus.
o Contacts
and Dialogues (Bel., Eng.) - the monthly journal raising Belarusian
historical and culturoilogical issues.
o Belarusian
Bookshelf (Bel.) - Part of The Virtual Guide to
Belarus. It is an on-line texts of the Belarusian authors - history, politics,
fiction, poetry.
o Niva (Bel.)
- a weekly magazine of Belarusians in Poland. Lots of
interesting data.
o The Vine (Bel.,
Rus., Eng.) - Belarusian Christian site.
o Courier ProMedia
(Bel.) - society/culture/news.
o DFpoint
(Bel., Rus.) - news/society.
o Minsk Elephant
(Rus.) - news and entertainment from Belarusian Capital - Minsk.
o Draniki (Bel.,
Rus., Eng.) - discussions of Belarusian politics.
o Belarus
Inside (Bel.) - the on-line guide to Belarus by contemporary
o (Bel.) -
on-line bookshop, gallery, news.
o Lighthouse
(Rus.) - entertainment from Belarus - paranormal news.
o Na Rosstaniah
(Bel., Rus., Eng.) - society.
o Minsk -
Direct Line (Rus.) - news from the capital.
o Dzed Talash (Bel.) -
o Diner "U Jasepa"
(Bel.) - society/politics/culture.
o A Belarus Miscellany
(Eng.) - the best directory of things Belarusian on the Net in English.
o Academy of Sciences of
Belarus (Eng.) - Internet directory of information about Belarus from the
o Minsk News
(Eng.) - politics/cultue.
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Guide to Belarus - a collaborative project of Belarusian
scientists and professionals abroad. VG brings you the most extensive
compilation of the information about Belarus on the Web.
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