Belarus on the Net
The search word "Belarus" in brings nowadays 6million+ results. There is no way we can list here all these links. We shall simply try to list main Belarus related Internet directories and search engines.
Belarus Rating
- largest directory of Belarusian web pages (Belarusian, Russian and some in
A Belarus Miscellany (Eng.)
- the most extensive English language web directory of the information about Belarus
WWW sites in and about Belarus (Bel., Eng., Rus.) - an extensive Internet directory
run by Dr. Kascyukovich at the Belarus Academy of Sciences.
Belarusian Business System
(Eng., Rus.) - on-line directory of Belarusian businesses.
Slavophilia (Eng.) - Belarusian Internet
resources by Syeng-Mann Yoo.
Belarusian Business System
(Eng., Rus.) - on-line directory of Belarusian businesses.
DF Point (Rus.) - analysis of the
state of Belarusian Internet.
(Eng.) - an independent web server in Minsk. It has links to an online magazine
-Belarusian Historical Review and an impressive collections of links to the websites in
House (Rus.) - Belarusian Internet reviews by Denis Margolin.
Baltics Web Catalogue
(Eng., Rus.) - a Belarusian web directory from Miensk by Alex Abolmasov.
GIS center a site from belarus that carries several
on-line belarusian newspapers.
Network Systems another belarusian server.
BelTeleCom - #1 Belarus Internetprovider. This state run
provider hosts a cluster of web sites. - large and trashy
commercial site with Belarus info.
This file is a part of the Virtual
Guide to Belarus - a collaborative project of Belarusian
scientists and professionals abroad. VG brings you the most extensive compilation
of the information about Belarus on the Web.
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